Wednesday, January 20, 2010

FAST and EASY Tuna Noodle Casserole

My friend Ashley K. gave this recipe to me when we were driving to work together.  I can't believe I never thought about this before!!!!

Cook whatever kind of noodles you want to use for your casserole:  elbow macoroni, bowtie pasta, spaghetti noodles, mostaccioli, etc.
In another pan, combine the following until cheese is melted:
1 can of tuna, drained
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
6-7 slices of american cheese

Mix the noodles and tuna mixture together and SERVE. 
Make some garlic bread on the side.

Super easy, isn't it??

1 comment:

Ashley and Evan said...

That is super easy! Have I mentioned how much I love this blog? :=)